Saturday, September 3, 2011

Week One, Part Two

Welcome back, all! 
Sorry it's been a little while, but you know how life works, especially when life gets more life-like. Like when you start getting ready to go to college and actually do stuff outside the house and also start looking for a job. Those kinds of things can really distract one from writing.

Tal: Took you long enough to show your face around here again. And you and I both know that's a load of crap, you've had plenty of time to write.

Maybe, but I haven't had plenty of internet! D; My internet sucks and if I upload too many pictures it goes splat.

Tal: Excuses, excuses. It's really because of your other game, isn't it?! Your speed legacy.. YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME.

I am not. Let's just get on with the update, shall we?   

Tal: Fine.


Tal: That's exactly what I'm thinking. Where's my taxi driver?

Let's pretend it's a.. a robot taxi. It knows where it's going all by itself. And not that you scared the driver into diving out of the car.

Tal: Well, I know it's not that second one, because I'm the uglacy foundress, not generation 10 heiress.

I wasn't meaning in looks..

Tal: What?! What is that supposed to mean?

Moving on~

Heeeey Talulla..

Tal: Whaaaat? I want to go to bed.

You don't have a bed so thusly, you cannot go to bed. And you're not tired anyway (well, I dunno, this was a while ago and I don't remember much, I'm playing by ear and what I do remember, here 8D). Buuuuuuut, there's a little yellow speck at the graveyard..

Tal: Oh not this again..

Just one more time, if he 'goes home', you can.. can... go wherever your little Sim heart desires.

Tal: Are your fingers crossed behind your back?

Um.. no?

And, of course, the ghost went home - I think the road must be home because they seem to disappear when they get onto the road.. - so Talulla gets to do whatever she wants.. which is, evidently, run to the park and play chess. Personally, I prefer to play chess when I can see.
Tal: Oh shush. I can see just fine, can't you see the lamp behind me?

Yes I can, and that is exactly why I think you can't see. Because I can see that it is not, and I repeat, NOT on.

Tal: Mere details.

I.. can't even...
I'm going to explore while you expand your mind and your vision problems..

Roxie Lin.. the one that her sister, Shirley, and Hal Breckenridge were talking about in the last chapter. Rather gorgeous Asian woman, obsessed with her guitar, busker extraordinaire. You know, Talulla.. she may be gorgeous, but I'm not sure her and your features will mix well, if you get my meaning..

Tal: But if I want to mix my genes with a pretty face to see if it gets an ugly face, why can't I have Don?! You know how many wishes I roll for him..

Because I am mean and cruel and your features and his would mix WELL together! Ha! So there.

Tal: You make me wish I could literally break the fourth wall and strangle you.

Not gonna haaaappen. Go introduce yourself to Roxie.

Or.. well, I suppose dancing and shaking your assets at her to her guitar playing will get you on her good side first..

Tal: That wasn't my thinking, but yeah, we'll go with that!

What WAS your thinking?

Tal: There wasn't thinking, there was just doing. The music came over me and I needed to dance. I think she's the pied piper.

Ooookay. Since you've been dancing to her music for a little while, do you think you can actually introduce yourself now?

"Um, excuse me. Roxie Lin, right? Can you.. maybe.. stop playing so I can talk to you? I wanna talk to you.."
"Are you a fan of mine?"
 "Do I have to be truthful?"
Grumble, grumble. "Fine, I'll talk to you. Stupid red haired wench."
"Excuse me?" 'I don't think there's any chemistry here. Oh, speaking of chemistry, I kind of want a chemistry table.'

"Forgetting what you called me, hello there, I'm Talulla Ar Mire. I'm kind of new-ish to town, not even been in town a whole week yet. I- oh, excuse me a moment. Hello? Is my refrigerator running? Probably, I know I would be if I could." Click. "Sorry about that, so how about computers? I love them."
"They're okay." 'Oh gawd I'm so hungry.' 

Don't tell her about the uglacy foundress part Tal, that scares them off!

Tal: I thought you said that Elaine just needed to pee? Wasn't running away from me?

    Um.. about that...

Why did you think I'm letting you look for different potential spouses? She did the ultimate running away last night, and now her last name still is the emotion that she gives me. She lessened my joy.

Tal: It's all for the best, I'm sure I'll find the perfect ugly spouse..

I would say 'that's the spirit', but you're just saying that because you never liked her.

 "Hehehe, guess what?"
"My plumbob... has the ability to make women have babies together! Isn't that cool?"

Talulla, that's not the kind of think you say when you haven't even flirted yet.


Oh please don't let her say 'kind of sexy'..

".. kind of.."

Here it coooooomes.. -ready to facepalm-

".. creepy."
Oh! I has a surprised.

"Hey, I'm kinda hungry, and I remember you moaning something about starving earlier, would you like to go to breakfast with me? The bistro's right over there, after all."
"Sure, why not? As long as you don't spout random creep-factor stuff again."
"Oh, I won't, sorry if it seemed like I was suggesting we have babies. Heh."

Talulla, if you were in The Sims Medieval, I think you would be Uncouth.

Tal: Is it just me, or did she suddenly turn into a hooker?

Talulla! Dx You are so rude. She did not turn into a hooker, she turned into a scantily clad woman with hooker boots. That does not make her one.

Tal: Okay, if you say so..

'Grumblegrumblestupid Talulla, I don't wanna be here, if she wasn't a celebrity I would so be busking still..'

Sure you would be, I see that little smilie face next to Talulla in your thought bubble. You can't fool the almighty plumbob/watcher. Buaha. Moving on, I think I see a better bet than lovely little Roxie..

Hmmm, Lucky Perkins.. really would probably be a better bet than Roxie, but he'd probably be dead before he gave Tal very many heirs. Of course, she could always then find someone else, like the repairman Ron Lee..

 This picture was to show that I finally remembered the Magical Mister Gnome and placed him, then named him. Unfortunately, I don't really remember his name, but I THINK it's 'Friend'. Or something equally silly like that. I'm sorry, this was weeks ago, my memory doesn't go that far. ;w;

 Hey, where's Roxie?

Tal: She had to go to work. I believe her because I'd rather think she had to get to work than she ran away from me.

Well, don't worry too much about her, there's Lucky! Make friends with him.

Tal: Okay, fine.

By 'make friends', I meant introduce yourself and talk to him, not be a creeper, sit at his table and watch him eat. No wonder you don't have any friends.

Tal: He hasn't even noticed me, how can I be thought of as creepy if the one I'm creeping on doesn't even notice?

"I'm tired, and been spouse hunting ALL day, and he's not even noticing me, I wanna go home!"
"Whoa, when did a girl sit down at my table?"
".. you really didn't notice me? You weren't just ignoring me?"
"I'm partially blind and going deaf in one ear."

"Well in that case, hello sir. I'm Talulla Ar Mire, the new uglacy foundress in town, and I'm shopping for a co-founder."

You're just trying to scare him away, aren't you?

"Uglacy? That's like a legacy. But with ugly Sims. You're considering me to be a co-founder?"
"Yes, sir. I'm sorry, that means that your looks have qualified you."
     "I.. I've never been a co-founder before.."
"Eeeeer.. so you like the idea of being my co-founder?"
"I love you."

"Thank you, very much, I'll get back to you on that, but I'm REALLY tired and I.. have... places to see and people to go tomorrow, BYE!" 'Oh holy crepe paper get me away from this looney!'

"I eagerly await our next date, my love~!"

Unfortunately for Tally, going home didn't seem to help with her looney problem.

"Talulla.. Talulla... Ar Mire.."


o.o Intense.

Tal: By the way, did you know I got free cake from the bistro?

Well, if I didn't know before, I do now. I'm not sure that flaming cake is exactly the best thing for breakfast, but as I established before, you're a Sim so I suppose it doesn't matter to you, does it?

Your shower isn't broken.. your handiness skill isn't high enough to upgrade things... okay, I give up. What are you doing?

Tal: I'm tinkering with the shower, because I've made up my mind. I do NOT want Lucky Perkins, and so I decided that, since you approve of Ron Lee, I will make him mine.

And tinkering with the shower wins you a Ron.

Tal: Not exactly, but if I tinker with the shower, it should break, and if it breaks, I can call a repairman. Get it?

I see, I see. Smart thinking! But, since this is Sunday, and thusly the end of this week, I hope you know that whoever comes - whether Ron or someone else - is going to be your spouse, regardless of looks.

Tal: WHAT?!

If I wait much longer for you to find a spouse, you're gonna be an adult, and I would like you to start baby-making as early as possible!

And now what are you doing?

Tal: I, um.. something I didn't expect to happen.. happened.

And that is..?

Tal: I upgraded the shower to self-cleaning..

Haha.. and so now you're tinkering with the toilet?

Tal: Yes. I swear I'll break it this time. I mean, I'm just banging on it with a hammer, what could possibly go right?

While you're attempting to break your objects, I bought you a chemistry table, since you mentioned you wanted one. Plus, this way, since you want to master logic, you can do that AND discover potions at the same time, so that maybe you can make a surplus of IF potions in case any of your kids and grandkids get them!

Tal: Yay, my own chemistry table! I can't wait to play with it!

Is that you being serious or sarcastic?

Tal: Can't I be serious sometimes? Geez.

Let me guess. -amused- The toilet is now self-cleaning?

Tal: I hate being lucky. This stupid sink better break.

Don't count on it!

And again, you upgraded the sink, didn't you?

  Tal: I don't get it. I just don't get it. I try to break the shower, toilet, and sink, and they get upgraded, and then when I give up, and then actually use the stupid toilet... IT BREAKS.

Hey, at least it broke, though, right?! Call the repair agency! Call them now! I wanna see who you're gonna marry!

"Hello, yes? This is the repair shop? Oh, good. Can you send over my future hus-eeeerr, I mean, can you send over your best repairman? My toilet is clogged. ... no, I don't own a plunger. Just send them, please."

So, you're waiting for your future spouse by trying out your new chemistry table.

Tal: It's the only way I can take my mind off the excitement.

Yeah, okay, but just don't-

-blow yourself up. 
Yeah, that's attractive. Unfortunately, you're not gonna get the chance to take a shower before your future spouse gets here. Because they're already heeeeere~

Tal: What?! No! They can't be here already, I'm indecent! I'm burnt to a crisp and in my undies and my hair isn't long and flowing and.. -cough hack wheeze- I think I have chemicals in my lungs..

Oh look, Talulla! It looks like no matter what, you're destined to marry a woman. More specifically, a grumpy woman, because Betty Peterson here seems to be grumpy like Roxie. 

Better start working on her now, before she fixes the toilet, takes your money, and leaves!

"So.. hi. I'm Talulla Ar Mire, and you are not Ron Lee."
"No.. Ron's my co-worker. I'm Betty Peterson. You wanted me to unclog your toilet, right?"
"Actually, no.. I had ulterior motives when I called the repair agency, though it would be nice if you did fix my toilet."

"So, I'm supposed to ask all this stuff about you. What's your gender preference?"
"Um.. I'm a lesbian."
"Great, that makes this easier.. and what about your star sign, what is that?"
"-insert some answer here that I don't remember!-"
"What, really? We're compatible! Even better. What's your LTW wish?"
"The Tinkerer.. where are you getting with this?"
"Wh-what? I think.. I think..."
 "Hehe, I just realized you're only in a bra and panties.."

"Oh, for me? Thank you!"

Such a romantic scene, what with Betty in her work clothes, the chemistry table and Mr. Gnome sleeping in the background, and Talulla burnt to a crisp. I don't think I've seen anything more romantic. -gigglesnort-

"I have an idea! You should spend the night tonight, so you can get used to lawn living, since I plan on asking you to move in tomorrow."
"Wait, you're a foundress? No WONDER you're living on a lawn.. wait, wait, moving me in?"
"Don't question, just say yes."
 "Yay, sleepover!"

"Kisses nao?"
"Sorry, cutie, but I barely even know you. I don't even know what your face looks like, and I don't really want to kiss charred skin. I'm sorry."

"But.. why does everyone not like me.."
 "Ohh, honey, it's not that I don't like you. Once you take a shower I will definitely kiss you."

Talulla, if I didn't know better I'd think that you were beginning to like Betty more than your other options. ;3

Tal: Don't be ridiculous! I just.. don't like being rejected for my first kiss.

"Eeeeeeee!! I get to be a legacy spouse! And my wife is hot!"

"Let's look at some stars, okay? And maybe we can see the readers. I've always wondered if legacy Sims could see the people reading their lives through the sky."
"Oh, what a romantic idea."

"Guess what?"
".. I think your plumbob/watcher is going to make the readers wait until next time to find out if we're actually going to end up together."

Tal: Plumbob, is this true?

Why, yes. Personally, I quite like Betty, but she is very cute, and it might work better if I call for Ron Lee instead.

Tal: But, you mentioned me having a baby last time!

I never said that the babies happened in the first week! Buahaha! Plus, it hit midnight in-game when I snapped that picture, so you're just going to have to wait to see if you have babies with Betty.

Tal: That is so unfair! Wait, babies? As in plural?       


Anonymous said...

Yay, finally a new chapter :) And again, this has been so much fun to read. I especially loved this part:

T: "Wh-what? I think.. I think..."
B: "Hehe, I just realized you're only in a bra and panties.."
T: "Flowers?"

Did I mention I love your style of writing? Well,if I didn't before, here it is. Great that Talulla finally found somebody, as this really seemed to take AGES. I'm so excited to see those babies in the next chapter! (Hopefully they are in the next chapter already)

Jojo777 said...

This is too funny! I really enjoyed reading these first chapters and can't wait for the next one :)

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